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Oklahoma Moss Rock Boulders Large
Oklahoma Moss Rock Boulders Large
Oklahoma Moss Rock Boulders
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Price Per Ton $399.99 Northern California quarry
Inflation Fighter Sale $299.99
Savings: $100.00
Material Type: Moss Rock
Level Of Experience Required: Boulders over 150 lbs are best handled by experienced landscape staff
Typical Time Required: Budget 1 Man Hours per boulder and finish work, but placement time varies according to size and location
Equipment Needed: Contractor grade wheelbarrow, or heavy duty upright dolly, hand tools, garden hose
Additional Materials Needed: Decomposed granite, gravel or small stones or rocks to accent the boulder. Cement or mortar if part of complex masonry project

Availability:: Usually Ships in 3 to 5 Days
Product Code: 966902BLDXLRG

Description Material Transport Photos & Liability
Oklahoma Moss Rock Boulders Large
Oklahoma quarries producing material from patio flagstone, large slabs and boulders. Materials are shipped bulked on flatbeds in amounts of 10 to 24 tons throughout the Southeast and East Coast and into Colorado and Wyoming. Boulders from 1,000 pounds to 9 tons or so.
Oklahoma Moss Rock and Boulders are hard rock, a sandstone quartzite, that is surface harvested to preserve that unique combination of rusty grey colored rock covered in full large amounts of thick moss and patches of lichens.

Product Specifications and Uses
These boulders are a popular choice for homes and commercial landscaping projects. They are the ideal fusion of stone and plant beauty. There are many types of moss rock boulders available for purchase, and many property owners prefer the idea of using them in their landscaping.
Moss rock is a low-maintenance landscape stone.
Moss can endure slight changes in moisture and temperature without suffering long-term harm.

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